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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Additions To My Library

Thought I would post something different.  Just picked up the following books gently used.  Yes James Rollins is kind of pulp but I like his Sigma Series and since I am reading about Barry Bonds and Balco I might as well read about another Roid monster in Jose Canseco.  Boy I hated him.  He deserved to have Madonna.  I also loved the home run back in 93 off his head.  I think Johnny D will remember when we were at a game against the Tigers and it was early season maybe April.  There were not many fans so we moved into the good seats between home and third and I was razing Roid Boy with everything I had and he heard me.  He finally hit one out and he starred at me.  Oh well I still hate him.  Now the Stevie Y book goes without saying because he was a great Red Wing and they are my team.  I live in Windsor so what do you know.  If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

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