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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Game of Shadows


The book opens discussing McGwire and Sossa’s chase for the home run record with Bonds being jealous for being overlooked for his all around talent.


We are then introduced to  Victor Conte the owner of Balco, a nutrition supplement company.  We hear about his relationship to Marion Jones, the worlds top female sprinter.  He discusses her use of human growth hormone and EPO.  We then see some of his financial troubles and marital problems.


The authors then bring in Barry Bonds and basically says that he has been a talented prima dona his whole life, even in high school.  When he was with Pirates no team mate really cared for him.  


They mention Charlie Francis a few times.  You know coach of Ben Johnson disgraced  Canadian 100m Olympic champ in Seoul until he tested positive for being a roid boy.  Everyone in that final was juicing even American clean boy Carl.  Clean my ass.   I digress.  Barry started shooting Winstrol after the 98 season. The same shit Ben Johnson was on.  


The book then goes into the world of track and field with Victor Conte’s injection clients.  Some pretty big names: Marion Jones, Gail Devers, Tim Montgomery, Chryste Gaines, Alvin & Calvin Harrison, Regina Jacobs, Brit Dwain Chambers and Ukrainian Zhanna Block.


In 2003 both Bonds and NY Jason Giambi were now taking growth hormone, The Cream, The Clear, Clomid and a bunch of pills.  Similarly Atlanta Braves slugger Gary Sheffield hung with Bonds and was taking injectable testosterone and human growth hormone and later The Cream and The Clear.  


The book then describes how a  federal investigator went threw Balcos garbage and found all kinds of incriminating stuff.  The rest of the book goes through the grand jury process etc and plea deals and testimony that was leaked to the press but I got the feeling Bonds got off easy.  One football NFL football player called into the grand jury was former U of Michigan running back and 110m hurdler,Tyrone Wheatley.    What a dick.  See below.  

 If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

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