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Thursday, January 27, 2022

Song of the Day for Thursday

 I can't believe on a day of remembrance of the Holocaust I am hearing that a Tennessee school board is banning Art Spiegelman's Pulitzer Prize winning graphic novel Maus.  This happened a couple of weeks ago but I am just hearing about this backwater school board in McMinn County.  To read about that click here.  I heard Mr Spiegelman speak and he said that McMinn County is only has 30 percent of its students reading at their grade level.  Not sure if that is true but I bet so if you are banning Maus.  I had 3 copies of that in my library as it was in and out so often.  Pretty stupid if you ask me.  Next you will be banning talking about slavery and eradicating the Native Americans.  Oh wait they are doing that in Texas.  Freaking Rednecks.  So I thought to myself, "Self, what would be a good song for today.  A  song that was banned."   I know Space Oddity has been banned but I posted The Flaming Lips version last month.  So I decided on The Prodigy song Smack My Bitch Up which was banned from MTV.  A great dance song with misogynistic lyrics for sure.  I picked three videos (the most I have ever done).   One that is just the song with somebody's video, a live version and somebody's South Park version.  There is one that gives the history of the song but if I embed it then it is age restricted not sure why.  If you click on this link it should work though.  There is a 2021 remake video but it is a little too gory for even me but you can look up Patrick Cutler remake.   If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. 

 Amazon  -  The Prodigy

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