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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Song of the Day for Wednesday

    Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava 

What a farking maggot.  Texas deserves this p.o.s. along with governor abbot and costello as they voted these horse shyt characters in.  teddy boy is now arguing with Elmo on social media over the covid vaccine.  Doesn't this a$$hole have anything better to do like go to Cancun.  Fark Canada doesn't even want him back and he is a Canadian.  Stay in Texas you piece of crap.

Wordle 375 5/6






nerdlegame 162 3/6




Here is today's question from The Math Contest.

I went for a 20k run this morning on hills.  I thought I had it timed out so I could be home 5 minutes before the drop.  I got smoked on the last 5 hill loops and the 2k home that I was 5 minutes late by the time I got to the computer.  I got this easy one.  Same spot as yesterday.

Here is my solution to yesterday's The Math Contest question.

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Today's song is from a Flo Rida punk band from 2005.  After reading Patrick Tillman's book I thought it would be fitting as the song deals with the Iraq War.  Yes I know Tillman died in Afghanistan but he did serve one tour in Iraq.   The S.O.T.D. was their second single from that album.  Adam Horovitz (Ad-Rock) of the Beastie Boys remixed the single.  The song addresses then Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and the war in Iraq.  Last hint the lead singer transed in 2012 to Laura Grace. Not sure if Governor DeSantis likes that but fuck him and putin.   The band is Against Me! and the song is From Her Lips to God's Ears.  The symbolism in the video is powerful and so is the song.

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Buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking above. Thank you. :)

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