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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Song of the Day for Thursday

    Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava

The House passed a bipartisan 267-157 vote on Respect of Marriage Act which will legally protect same-sex and interracial marriage even when the scotus strikes it down.  Well judge thomas might not strike down interracial marriage but his wife is an a$$hat anyways.  Now senator rubic cube has called the bill "a stupid waste of time".  What a dickless p.o.s.

Wordle 397 4/6





nerdlegame 183 3/6




Here is today's The Math Contest question.

I got this one.  Better than the rest of the week but still not top 5 or even top 10.  Just a little slow.

Here is my solution to yesterday's The Math Contest question.

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Today's song of the day is a from a LA punk rock band formed by the former lead singer of Black Flag that is not Henry Rollins.  The album was the bands fourth called Wonderful and came out in 85.  The song is a parody of the high hair 80s metal bands.  The band is The Circle Jerks and the song is American Heavy Metal Weekend.

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