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Friday, November 11, 2022

Song of the Day for Friday

    Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava

Wordle 510 5/6






Here is today's The Math Contest question of the day.

This is in my wheel house.  I got this one relatively quickly.  ;)

Here is my solution to yesterday's The Math Contest question of the day.

No goals in Tim's last night.  Here are tonight's picks.

From Aug 13 2013

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Today's song comes from 1978 from an English band that had just recently changed their name from Warsaw.  The song came out on an EP called An Ideal For Living.   The song also came out on the CD version of Substance. They are my favourite band.  The  band's lead singer committed suicide before their first US and A tour.  I was never able to see them.  I was able to see them when they became a different band.  That new band also had an album called Substance.  What is the name of the new band  is a question that I will answer tomorrow.  Today's band is Joy Division.  The lead singer was Ian Curtis, RIP and the song was Failures.  Kind of like put-in in Kyiv and Kherson.  The answer to yesterday's question of what movie was the clip I had shown was The Dictator.

Please buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking below. Thank you. :)

Please buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking below. Thank you. :)

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