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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Song of the Day for Wednesday

    Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava


Wordle 564 5/6


 One goal in Tim's last night.  Here are today's picks.

Here is today's The Math Contest question of the day.

I got this one but not very fast.  I should of but I guess I jogged it instead of running it.

I don't have a solution to yesterday's The Math Contest question of the day as I did not do it.  My wife said it was 8.  A friend of mine MG got it and she also said it was 8 but here reasoning was just an educated guess.  Not good enough for me.  Of the numbers 1-16 only two were not used in the sequence and so she guessed at one of them which was 8 and was correct.  I refused to guess so I took zero points yesterday.

Today's pic comes from July 26 2019

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Today's song of the day comes from 95 from this Santa Barbara Cali  band.  It was the only hit off the album Pet Your Friends.  The band's name comes from the Hindi for a satellite tv provider.  The band is Dishwalla and the song  is Counting Blue Cars or as some people say Tell Me Your Thoughts On God.
put-in will not meet him but will meet the fallen angel soon.

Please buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking below. Thank you. :)

Please buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking below. Thank you. :)

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