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Saturday, October 7, 2023

Song of the Day for Saturday

        Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava

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Here is what I am reading presently.

A Civil War by John Feinstein

republitards chief scientist too.  Most people being hospitalized right now and dying of the uptick in the virus are 65 plus.  Most are unvaxed republitards.  71% of tards say they won't get the new vax but only 30% of dems say the same as reported by The Hill today.  At this rate the dems will win 2024 when this wave hits and wipes the magats out.  Remember t rump had his shots and did not want to tell you.  Virus almost killed him.  Had he not had his vax and the meds that were available to him he would of been smoked and the world would of been a better place.

Wordle 840 4/6





 Today's pic of the day is a continuation from yesterday's pic.  It is the same pinball hauler.  Great tv show.  I know Mikey likes.

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Today's song of the day is not a song but a Jimmy Kimmel video.  I thought it was a funny parody of the Golden Bachelor.

Please buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking below. Thank you. :)

Please buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking below. Thank you. :)

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