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Friday, January 19, 2024

Song of the Day for Friday

    Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava

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Here is what I am reading presently.

The Pursuit of Perfection by Nicklas Lidstrom, Gumnar Nordstrom and Bob Duff 


According to the Budapest Memorandum, the US should be fighting in Ukraine RIGHT NOW!  Ukraine gave up it's nuclear weapons in return for your defense of Ukraine's sovereignty.  That piece of paper is worth less than toilet paper now. America's word is worth garbage if they cannot at the minimum supply more military assistance.  Ukraine is not even asking for your young men and women which you should be sending according to the memorandum that you signed.


The cult of 45 will not save you.  It will not go better with Coke.  It will not get rid of the nubs either. 

Speaking of jokes 

Mrs. Sophia asked her 9th grade class at V.M.S.S. how many of them were tRump fans.
Not really knowing what a tRump fan is, but wanting to be liked
by Mrs. Sophia, all the kids raised their hands except for Little Johnny.
 Mrs Sophia asked Little Johnny why he has decided to be
different... again. Little Johnny said, "Because I'm not a tRump fan."
Mrs. Sophia asked, "Why aren't you a fan of tRump?"
Johnny said, "Because I'm a Democrat."
Mrs. Sophia asked him why he's a Democrat.
Little Johnny answered, "Well, my Mom's a Democrat and my
Dad's a Democrat, so I'm a Democrat."
Annoyed by this answer, Mrs. Sophia asked, "If your mom was a
moron and your dad was an idiot, what would that make you?"
With a big smile, Little Johnny replied, "A tRump fan."

Wordle 944 5/6 


Here is today's The Math Contest question of the day.
I am idiot.  I knew how to do this fast.  I knew the trick but forgot to double my answer as you will see when I post my solution Tuesday.  Penalty box!

Here is my solution to yesterday's  The Math Contest question of the day.

One goal in Tim's last night.  Here are tonight's picks.

Today's pic is from June 20 2015 at the church.

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Today's song of the day is from 80/81 and recorded by two bands.  For one it was their last song and the other it was their first song.  I usually have my hair on my arms stand up during this song or  shed a small tear.  The one band had this song released on their live album Still.  It was also the last song they recorded in a studio session 4 days before the lead singer died.  Bernard Sumner did the vocals on the reformation band's first single.  He approximated the lyrics as there was no lyric sheet left after Ian Curtis committed suicide.  Big hint there.  My favourite band.  I have both albums.  Some of the greatest lines.   Such as ... "
All she asks is the strength to hold me
Then again the same old story"
"I'll take them down, no mercy shown
Heaven knows, it's got to be this time
Avenues all lined with trees
Picture me and then you start watching
Watching forever, forever
Watching love grow, forever
Let it be known, forever"

Originally a Joy Division song became the first song put out by the new band with the addition of Jillian Gilbert, New Order.  The song is Ceremony.  Peter Hook's bass and Stephen Morris's drums are more prevalent in Joy Division's version as Martin Hannett over produced this song for New Order.  RIP Ian.  There will be no ceremony for put-in when he goes to the meat grinder.

 Please buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking below. Thank you. :)

Please buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking below. Thank you. :)

Please buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking below. Thank you. :)

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