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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Song of the Day for Tuesday

 Welcome to the last day of August.  I saw Camper Van Beethoven at St. Andrew's Hall in Detroit back around 85-86.  The Mekons opened for them.  I ended up backstage with them and don't remember how I got home as I did not go home with the friend that got me to the show.  Seeing that I live in a different country that was a bit different.    Anyhow the song is Take The Skinheads Bowling.  You may remember David Lowery as the lead singer and bassist for CVB but he was also in another band you might have heard of in Cracker with their big hit Teen Angst.  BTW Lowery is a mathematician.  Enjoy.  If you are Canadian and    making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - Camper Van Beethoven

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Monday, August 30, 2021

Song of the Day for Monday

 This mid 90s Portland Oregon alternate rock band is the Dandy Warhols and the song is Bohemian Like You.  If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - Dandy Warhols

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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Song of the Day for Sunday

 The Gories are a Detroit Rock Punk Trio from the mid 80s.  The song I decided to play is Nitroglycerine from 1990.  This is for you Dupes.  If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

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Saturday, August 28, 2021

Song of the Day for Saturday

 The band A Fire Inside which usually goes by AFI is a California post punk band from the 90s-2000s.  The song I picked was from the 2006 album DECEMBERUNDERGROUND (yes all caps and no space).    If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - AFI

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Friday, August 27, 2021

Song of the Day for Friday

I first heard of the Butthole Surfers in 84 and was blown away.  Local Windsorite Trevor Malcolm played with them briefly.  He was a strange dude.  Remember him from CJAM the University radio station.   I picked for TSOTD something that you might of heard of and got some college airtime and won't scare you lol even though I thought of picking Moving to Florida.  It is called Pepper.  Have a great weekend.  If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - The Butthole Surfers

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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Song of the Day for Thursday

 For today's song I picked an 80s group in Bronski Beat and was going to go with Small Town Boy but decided to go with something a little more danceable.  I picked Hit That Perfect Beat.  You got to like Jimmy Somerville.  If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - Bronski Beat

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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Song of the Day for Wednesday

 I saw The Godfathers perform Birth, School, Work, Death back in the late 80s at St. Andrew's Hall in Detroit.  It was a really good show.  Seeing that I have done 3 of the 4 items in the title of the song I am trying to avoid the fourth for a bit.  Yesterday's artist Local H covered this song in 2003.  If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - The Godfathers

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Song of the Day for Tuesday

 Sorry for being a bit tardy with today's post but hell it still is Tuesday so loosen up.  Well back to the '90s with American rock duo Local H with their single Bound for the Floor.  If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - Local H

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Monday, August 23, 2021

J.R. The Fast, Crazy Life of Hockey's Most Outspoken and Most Colourful Personality


Right out of the hopper JR strings together a tapestry of F bombs in the introduction.  He had an atypical hockey family.  His mother yelled at him once from the stands “Get that pussy off the ice”. At 13 living in Virginia every weekend they put him on the plane to Newark to play for the New Jersey Rockets. 


He went to prep school at Thayer Academy with Tony Amonte.  


Dude played almost 2 decades in the NHL and almost $60 million and scored a little over 500 goals. Not too bad for an American.


Before his draft he weighed about 150 pounds but his agent made sure nobody knew that.  Both Mike Modano and Trevor Linden were over 210 pounds in the same draft.  During an interview pre-draft with the Chicago they asked him to step on the scale. He refused. He said “Did you ever see a scale score a goal?”  Chicago drafted him eighth.  He played 3 games in the bigs before being sent to Hull to play in the Q.  He later got called up due to injuries and stayed up.  Coach Keenan scared the hell out of him so much that changed his style of play to be physical.


JR discusses how Coach Keenan used psychological warfare on his players.  Coach pissed Dave Manson off so much that Dave threw his shoulder pads at him and chased the coach down the cement  hallway whilst wearing skates.


After Keenan was fired he discusses coach Sutter and JR’s eventual trade to the desert to play for the new Arizona team for 5 years and $20 million.


JR tells stories of the Massachusetts Mafia which consisted of : Keith Tkachuk, Craig Janey,  Bob  Corkum and the author.  Most of them involved bars and breaking curfew.  


In one chapter he discusses the poker he played with the boys.  He once played in a pot on the back of the team plane for $110 big.  In another chapter he discusses a hit he put on Mike Madono and the retribution that Derien Hatcher gave him three weeks later.


After playing in the desert and becoming a free agent JR signed a 5 year $37.5 million front loaded contract to replace cry baby Eric Lindros.  JR says he almost signed with Detroit but Philly had better stables for his wife and daughter’s horses.  While in Philly he discusses the Rick Tocchet gambling scandal that JR was involved in.  JR did nothing illegal but had bet on pro sports but not the NHL.


Roenick talks about a slap shot he took in the side of his face against New York.  His jaw was destroyed.  Three major fractures and 18 small spider breaks.  He missed quite a bit of time but was back for the playoffs.  He later discusses his medical record like the 600 stitches in his face and breaking all his fingers.  Hockey can be brutal.


For the 2005-06 season JR is traded to LA and has a brutal season on the ice with 9 goals and 13 assists in 58 games but is Mr Hollywood off the ice.


It’s funny I just rewatched Wedding Crashers last week.  Actor Vince Vaughan so much liked JR he had his character named Jeremy.


For 2006-07 season it was back to the desert where he discusses that he did not like the Great One, Wayne Gretzky as a coach.  Then he he talks about his last two years in the NHL playing for  the San Jose Sharks.


After he retires he talks bout his favourite players,  least favourite players, favourite games played, Battle of the Blades and how as an NHL analyst he ripped Patrick Marleau as “gutless”.

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Song of the Day for Monday

Not playing enough '80s here but here comes one from 2001 I think.  Love the song and loved using it in my son's videos of him playing hockey and making bone crushing hits timed to the BOOM.  What is even funnier is the video.  Ping Pong.  Table Tennis.  BOOM.   If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - P.O.D.

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Sunday, August 22, 2021

Song of the Day for Sunday

 John Lydon A.K.A. Johnny Rotten did well for himself after the Sex Pistols with Public Image Limited or P.I.L.  I find it hard to believe that my wife actually likes one of their songs which will be the song of the day.  It is Rise.  If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - Public Image Limited

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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Song of the Day for Saturday

 Here is an under rated Canadian band.  Back story is that I spent an hour drinking with the boys from  Tsawwassen BC 54-40 before they went on stage at the student pub watching the Stanley Cup finals back in the late 80s.  They were going to go on stage and I was like dudes their is still like 15 minutes of game left, have another beer and everyone can wait.  So they did.  Anyways I picked One Day.  If you have not heard of them they have several really good songs.  If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - 54-40

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Tretiak The Legend Update

 Dudes I knew I had a picture that I was supposed to include with my July 29 write up of Tretiak's book.  To see that write up click here.    I finally found it.  It is a beautiful woman (my wife) and the subject of the book.  I believe the picture was taken in the Canadian Embassy in Moscow.

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Friday, August 20, 2021

Song of the Day for Friday

 Gotta love Perry Farrell.  Love Jane's Addiction.  Late 80s LA band. I really enjoyed watching then at Pine Knob at the first Lollapalooza.  Great lineup:  Jane's Addiction, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Living Colour, Nine Inch Nails, Ice-T & Body Count, Butthole Surfers, Rollins Band, Violent Femmes, Fishbone I could have picked a few but decided to go with The Mountain Song.  Enjoy your weekend.  If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - Jane's Addiction

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Thursday, August 19, 2021

Song of the Day for Thursday

 Yeah this is a relatively new song for me to have on my playlist but I just love the guitars.  They are a So Cal  band called Face to Face and the song is Should Anything Go Wrong from 2010.  I have posted the live version and studio version for your listening pleasure.  If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - Face to Face

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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Song of the Day for Wednesday

Yesterday was Black Flag so today must be White Stripes. Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes has that distinctive bass-like riff that is actually a guitar with an effect to sound like a bass.   If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - White Stripes

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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Song of the Day for Tuesday

 On the weekend I saw a commercial for Fantasy Island which lead me to think about the song by Black Flag called TV Party.  Maybe not Henry Rollins best song but funny one and for sure the best LP soundtrack for a movie ever.  The movie is Repo Man a B movie classic made in 84 starring a young Emilio Estevez.  If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - Black Flag

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Monday, August 16, 2021

Song of the Day for Monday

 Sorry I am a bit late posting today as I was on the road to Brockville this weekend and thought I would be back Sunday night.  The wife and I split the driving and I was the passenger on the last half of the drive.  I heard a song that was appropriate by Siouxsie and the Banshees originally done by Iggy Pop.  If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - Siouxsie and the Banshees

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Saturday, August 14, 2021

Song of the Day for Sunday

 I will be on the highway today driving back home and this is a song with driving in it.  MxPx  Let's Ride.  It is very new by my standards, 2018 but that's ok.    If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - MxPx

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Song of the Day for Saturday

 Every time I hear this song the hair on my arms stands up.  Really great punk rock anthem.  If you have never heard this song then play the first video.  The next two videos are live versions.  There are plenty out there and they are all fun to watch.  If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - Pennywise

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Friday, August 13, 2021

Song of the Day for Friday

 Welcome to Friday the 13th.  Maybe I should post a Freddie Kruger type song which would be Gwar or something like that.  Naw.  Yesterday I heard Bad Religion's 21st Century Digital Boy and I thought that I would post that. If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - Bad Religion

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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Song of the Day for Thursday

 I love Teenage Bottle Rocket.  Lots of post punk great songs.  Even greater was the fact that when they started touring this summer in Florida they charged $1000 plus if you were unvaccinated or $18 if you were vaccinated. Check it out here.  Man let the Delta virus get the unvaccinated.  So the song of the day is Skate or Die.  I used it on a couple of my sons hockey videos.  He doesn't like it but too bad. If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy.   Thanks. Tell your friends.  Hell tell your enemies.

Amazon - Teenage Bottle Rocket

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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Song of the Day for Wednesday

 Surrender by Cheap trick is an all time teenage anthem.  With the Olympics in Tokyo I was reminded of the live album Cheap Trick at Budokan.  So two days in a row with late 70s  songs.  The reason I picked this is that I heard on my run last week The Dirty Nil's version (from Hamilton Ontario 2018) which is outstanding.  I have included both below for your listening pleasure.  If you are Canadian and making any purchases please click on my link below  the video which will take you to  Thanks.

Amazon - Cheap Trick 

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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

You're Okay, It's Just a Bruise: A Doctor's Sideline Secrets


Hey Mike don't read my review as you are reading this one.  Right off the top I have to tell you You're Okay, It's Just A Bruise was written in 1995 and that does not bother me one bit.  In fact it makes it even better!  Raiders were not my team.  In fact I hated them but if you remember Howie Long, Marcus Allen, Lyle Alzado, Matt Millen (A$$ ho1# but I am a Detroit Lion fan) and Lester Hays you should read the book.  Lots of stories.  The author Doctor Huizenga is a U of Michigan grad, all American wrestler that received his MD from Harvard.  Enough said.  He became the Raiders team internist.

Some of the interesting things a gleamed from the book:

Many guys had shoe contracts with company X but wore shoes from company Y then had their ankles taped to cover the logo and then coloured a fake logo on the tape.  College players would get tickets that they would turn around and scalp.  One dude said he made $50K his senior year doing that. One unnamed vet on the Raiders counseled the married guys to never try a new sexual position with your spouse when you come back from a road trip.  I forget this but there was mention of The Donald and his New Jersey Generals in the USFL.

There was much talk early in the book about Lyle Alzado and steroids.  Howie Long is definitely not a math guy.  Before the Super Bowl he is quoted as saying "Intimidation  is 80% of the game...half the game is mental and half is conditioning.  

There was so much steroids that the author said when a player went down on the field and he was running out he wondered if it was a muscle pull or a heart attack.  He said that in '85 there were two groups of  NFLers, players on the juice and players that were thinking about it.

Speaking of steroids, he mentions Mark Gastineau of the NYG.  He was a big time roid monkey who's girlfriend was the actress Brigitte Nielsen.  He had her name tattooed on his right buttock.  To bust his chops the dudes on the team had fake tats with her name put on there a$$es so he could see that in the shower and drive him crazy.

There was a story about Dave Casper self medicating in a different way.  He was in pain before an important practice.  No doctor was on hand so he drew up a syringe of Xylocaine and Corisone and gave it to himself.  When the author heard about this he asked him what he was thinking and the response was lovely, "Doc, normal people do normal things."

There was a chapter dedicated to the scare of  AIDS in the NFL as it was and still is a blood sport.  You have to remember that very little was known about AIDS in the early '80s.  He also spends a chapter talking about the strike year and the scabs that played and the guys like Howie Long that crossed the picket line and how that changed the team chemistry even though they had just picked up Bo Jackson.  You might remember some of these great Nike commercials.

A few of the other chapters were dealing with: concussions in the NFL, what lead the author to leave the Raiders,  Mike Wise's suicide and Alzado's end of life cancer.

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Song of the Day for Tuesday

 Most of you may not of heard of the band The Vibrators but their first album Pure Mania is one of the best punk rock albums from back in the day.  The song Disco in Moscow came out in 1980 and still gets some play in some clubs and college radio stations.  The video below is not an official video but it is pretty funny as it could almost be.   If you are Canadian and making any purchases please click on my link below  the video which will take you to  Thanks.

Amazon - The Vibrators 

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Monday, August 9, 2021

Song of the Day for Monday

 I hope you had a fabulous weekend.  Again everyday is the weekend for me now that I am retired.  It is my son's 16th birthday, so happy birthday Aleksei.   Don't know what hit me to put this one up but that's a rabbit hole we don't want to go down.  Pure Morning by Placebo has a wonderful video with Brian Molko playing the part of a man that is going to commit suicide by jumping.  I believe the rest of the band is in the video as characters also.  If you are Canadian and making any purchases please click on my link below  the video which will take you to  Thanks.

Amazon - Placebo 

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Sunday, August 8, 2021

Song of the Day for Sunday

 I heard this Industrial classic by Front 242 while I was running on Wednesday and said to myself oh what a perfect song for Sunday.  It came out in 88 when I was in grad school and I remember dancing at Gracelands on Richards Street in Vancouver to this.  I was a whack job lol.  Anyways Welcome To Paradise is a great song and not to be confused with Greenday's song.  Heck this isn't even Front 242's  best song.  Enjoy.  Oh by the way there is a great live version on youtube but it can't be embedded here so if you want to watch that version click here.  If you are Canadian and making any purchases please click on my link below  the video which will take you to  Thanks.

Amazon - Front 242 

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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Song of the Day for Saturday

 When you hear the name Elvis do you think of Elvis Presley?  I don't.  I think of Elvis Costello or maybe Elvis Grbac but this is about music so let's go with Costello.  Pump It Up came out in 1978 and I was a senior in grade school.  Way back.  Enjoy your weekend.  If you are Canadian and making any purchases please click on my link below  the video which will take you to  Thanks.

Amazon - Elvis Costello 

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Friday, August 6, 2021

Song of the Day for Friday

 Welcome to the weekend.  It is a special day today as it is my wife and my 21st wedding anniversary so in honour of this day the song will be our wedding song.  It is Somebody from Depeche Mode and was released ion 84. Love ya Soph.   If you are Canadian and making any purchases please click on my link below  the video which will take you to  Thanks.

Amazon - Depeche Mode

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