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Friday, December 31, 2021

Song of the Day for Friday

 Well we made it back home and into Canada last night.  It was pretty smooth at the border and we didn't get the random COVID test.  Welcome to the last day of 2021 or New Years Eve.  Since it is The Eve I have decided on Eve 6 with Inside Out.  Have a great night and be safe.  If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. 

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Thursday, December 30, 2021

Song of the Day for Thursday

 We got our PCR test back and we are negative so we can leave Flo Rida and come back to the North today.  Here is a 70s English punk band for you.  I love The Damned.  There are many versions of this song but The Damned does a great job of Jet Boy Jet Girl.  I remember slam dancing to this at WCI dances back in the day.   If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. 

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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Song of the Day for Wednesday

 Remember Faces on Friday night?  Well the 80s will be back again in 60 years so here is a good one from 1982 with Modern English and I Melt With You.   If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. 

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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Song of the Day for Tuesday

 We were driving back from Naples Flo Rida last night after having dinner to celebrate my bro-in-laws birthday and we listened to some Elvis.  No not that one.  The one from the late 70s and early 80s.  You know Costello.  Here he is live playing Watching The Detectives from 78.   If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. 

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Monday, December 27, 2021

Song of the Day

 Welcome to the last week of 2021.  I decided to go with a Missouri boy that lived in Detroit for song of the day.  He is Marshall Mathers to some he is known as Slim Shady or better known as Eminem.  The song is Lose Yourself which won the best soundtrack at the Academy Awards.  If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. 

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Sunday, December 26, 2021

Song of the Day for Sunday

 Hopefully Santa was nice to you yesterday.  I went with Johnny, Kathy and the evil one to see Ned's Atomic Dustbin in 91 over in Royal Oak Michigan.  Great band and a great show.  I had one of their famous concert tees put aside my whole teaching career and planned on wearing it at my retirement but my daughter must have swiped it again.  Here is what it looked like.

Anyways the album God Fodder is excellent and I have picked Grey Cell Green or as most people call the song Desire.  I like the album so much that I have all 13 songs on my phone.  Enjoy your last day of the weekend.   If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. 

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Saturday, December 25, 2021

Song of the Day for Saturday

 Merry Christmas!  Hope you are not on Santa's naughty list.  Not a fan of Yoko but hey that was John's choice.  The song is from 71 from John & Yoko with the Plastic Ono Band.  The song is Happy Christmas (War is Over) or better known as So This is Christmas.  For those who where not around then this is actually a protest song against The Vietnam War.  If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. 

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Friday, December 24, 2021

Song of the Day for Friday

 Welcome to the weekend.  Here is a disco song for my wife.  I was trying to post this without her knowing but she heard one note and knew what it was.  Lol.  Can't slip anything by her.  Here is Donna Summer with Hot Stuff.   If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. 

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Thursday, December 23, 2021

Song of the Day for Thursday

 1984 was a good year as I graduated from the U.  It was also a great year for The Replacements with Androgynous and the one I picked, I Will Dare.  I danced quiet a bit to this at St  Andrews on Sundays.  You have to love Paul Westerberg.  Sorry couldn't find a better video but the song is so great.   If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Song of the Day for Wednesday

 My son tried to eat a 6 pound burrito at Taco and Tequilas.  He ate 95% but tapped out.  Anyways in honour of him trying to eat the world I give you Jimmy Eat World with Bleed American.  If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Song of the Day for Tuesday

I am making sure I am posting earlier today than yesterday.  Today you get Limp Bizkit with Nookie.   If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

 Amazon  - Limp Bizkit

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Monday, December 20, 2021

Song of the Day for Monday

We made it to Florida so I am posting this  late.  Sorry.   How about some STP, Stone Temple Pilots with Interstae Love Song.  Enjoy this week with friends and family.  If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

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Sunday, December 19, 2021

Song of the Day for Sunday

 Sorry for posting so late.  So I will make it quick and no stories. The Aussie band The Church with Under The Milky Way.  If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

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Saturday, December 18, 2021

Song of the Day for Saturday

 People of the opposite gender loved Dave Grohl singing "Breathe out so I can breathe you in".  Not sure what Deaners favourite song from the Foo Fighters is but Everlong is a great song.  During the production of their second LP, The Colour and the Shape, Grohl was served with his divorce papers.  Production had been going poorly so they took a break and he went back to Virginia where he wrote Everlong, probably one the bands signature songs.   If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

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Friday, December 17, 2021

Song of the Day for Friday

 Well it is the weekend.  Hope you are ready for the holidays.   Hopefully my family is  able to make it to Flo Rida before all hell breaks lose with this Omicron.  I have a little Human League here for you with Love Action (I Believe In Love).  The video is two videos put side by side.  Love the girls doing the 80s dance.  The asymmetric bobs are nice too.   If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

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Thursday, December 16, 2021

Bad As I Wanna Be


Here is a bonus post for today.  Bad As I Wanna Be was written in 96.  It starts off with a Pearl Jam quote as a full page.

Rodman's younger sisters were 6” and 6”2’ and both all Americans.  Dennis played half a season of JV and graduated at 5”11’.  He then grew 9” in about a year and then played some JuCo but failed out of school.  The coach from NAIA Southeastern Oklahoma U knocked on his door and convinced him to play for them at the tiny white town of Durant.  He faced a ton of racism at first but he lived with a white farming family and learned to deal with.
After getting drafted he gets to play with Isaiah Thomas,  Joe Dumars, Vinnie Johnson, Bill Laimbeer, Rick Mahorn, Adrian Dantley, John Salley and a great coach in Chuck Daly.  They won back to back championships in 89 and 90 but don’t forget the were up 3 with less than a minute to play in game 7 against the Lakers when they a phantom call to Laimbeer for fouling Kareem when he was not within 2 feet of him.  Jabaar hits both free throws, the Pistons miss and LA hits.  Game.  I loved the Bad Boys.  You have to remember this was the time of Magic and Larry, no last names neede.

During this time he has a daughter Alexis.  They don’t get married until the daughter is 4 in 1992.  It only lasts 82 days.  

He discusses his time in San Antonio where he complains about not having his contract renegotiated because he led the league in rebounding for 4 years in a row and that attendance was up after the trade.  He goes on to dis Commissioner David Stern ,Grant Hill and Gregg Popovich the GM of San Antonio.  

He spends a chapter explaining about his prowess as the top rebounder in the NBA.  The rest of the book is devoted to  his view on race relations, availability of sex as an NBA player, his apparent “bisexuality” and Madonna.  He says “She wasn’t an acrobat, but she wasn’t a dead fish either.”  I told that quote to my wife and she said who Ms A (don’t want to give out the name sorry, maybe ask Margaret she lives in the same hood).  I said who is that?  Apparently Dennis was coming over to Windsor to have some hanky panky in my wife’s old hood.  

He then uses the back chapter or so to rip on David Robinson, Sean Elliot,  Coach Bob Hill and his favourite target GM Greg Popovich.  He uses the last chapter discussing moving to the Chicago Bulls and playing with Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen.

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Song of the Day for Thursday

Just finished Dennis Rodman's book Bad As I Wanna Be and he liked listening to Pearl Jam and even put a quote from Alive from them in the book so I will use that as the Song Of The Day.   If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

 Amazon  - Pearl Jam

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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Song of the Day for Wednesday

 Want a great album from the 80s?   Soul Mining from The The.  Not a bad track on the whole album.  I went with Uncertain Smile.   If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Song of the Day for Tuesday

 I got my third jab today.  Yeah and if you think the government is going to track me well I have a cell phone that they are doing that with anyways.   Why the hell would the government want to track you anyways?   Do you really think you are that important? So in honour of my shot today, you get Filter with Hey Man, Nice Shot.  Yeah I know you saw that coming.  If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

 Amazon  - Filter

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Monday, December 13, 2021

Song of the Day for Monday

 Today's Song of the Day is from the 70s English punk rock band The Buzzcocks.  Lots to pick from.  I was going to go with Orgasm Addict but I figured my wife would get mad at me so I picked Ever Fallen In Love.  Have a great week.  If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

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Sunday, December 12, 2021

Song of the Day for Sunday

 Adam's Song is one of the more serious songs from Blink - 182 from their Enema of The State album.  It is about  depression and loneliness.   If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

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Saturday, December 11, 2021

Song of the Day for Saturday

 We are going to go down the rabbit hole today.  So I thought I would go with a song for my wife from the 70s with KC and the Sunshine band with That's the Way I Like It.  So I look up the video and there is Dead or Alive not to be mistaken for one of my favourite BC punk bands DOA.  Anyways I loved Dead or Alive's You Spin Me Right Round as I would be one of the few guys to dance to that at Changez ( shout out to you Spudzy).  I had no probs with the androgenous shyt that some people did then or now. It is funny I was not a fan of Boy George and Culture Club but Pete Burns RIP (1979-2019)  was so great not as popular but did have quiet a bit of dance club success with beside Spin, they had Lover Come Back to Me, Brand New Lover and My Heart Goes Bang.  Anyways Changez was so fun in grade 13 in 83-84 and the girls did not know what to do with me dancing on their stage, lol.  Memories.  So I will give you both videos.  If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

 Amazon -Dead or Alive

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Friday, December 10, 2021

Song of the Day for Friday

 Welcome to Friday.  I can't believe I have not used Tears For Fears.  My wife and I saw them a couple of times over in D Town. The first was 2010 at the Motor City Casino.  If you would like to see some pics of us at the show, a little write up and some video, you can click here.  There is a nice pic of Soph with Michael Wainwright.  So lots to pick from here.  I decided on Pale Shelter from 83.  Have a great weekend.   If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

 Amazon -Tears for Fears

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Thursday, December 9, 2021

Yzerman - The Making of a Champion


Here is an extra post for you today.  Yzerman - The Making of a Champion

The book spends some time talking about Stevie Y's time with the Petes in the OHL and his coach rolling four lines.  It turned out to be a good thing later in his career.  The author mentions John Tucker a local Windsor boy and also Mike Illich’s Macedonian roots.  I am sure that makes my wife happy.  The NHL draft in 1983 had  lots of hoopla with 3 US born players being selected in top 5 with Lawton going one, Lafontaine three (from the Detroit area) and Barrasso fifth. Not much fanfare for Stevie Y going fourth. Yzerman eventually became a 50 goal scorer and with that he tossed the puck over the boards to the fans. Coach Demers had to go in the stands and get the puck back from a fan and promised him an autographed stick.

 As he progressed, the best players in the league were Wayne Gretzky, Mark Messier and Mario Lemieux. But in 1989 Stevie Y won the Pearson award which is voted upon by the NHLPA. The book spent some time talking about the Wings coaches and told me a morsel I never heard. In 1979 Scotty Bowman turn down a contract that would’ve given him 10% of the Washington Capitals organization instead he decided to coach the MontrĂ©al Canadiens. Yes he got many rings out of that but could you imagine owning 10% of a hockey franchise now. 

Another mention in the book who had ties to Windsor was Bob Boughner and he was described as nothing special. The 89 draft Detroit was set up so well with the Russians .  They almost got themselves  Pavel Bure at 95th but they were told he was ineligible and then Vancouver picked him at 113th and the wings were gonna grab him anyways at 116th. Too bad for the wings but I was living in Vancouver then and got to watch him play in his freshman year and he was outstanding. Just before the 95-96 season they mentioned that Windsor was a city where trade talks between Detroit and Ottawa took place for Yzerman. Ottawa wanted their hometown son back and also wanted to unload Alexei Yashin’s contract. Good thing it never happened as we know what happens in the end. Don’t want to spoil the ending lol. On a final note the book also mentioned that Worlds were cancelled in 2003 due to The SARS epidemic.  Imagine that.

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Song of the Day for Thursday

 My son Aleksei was singing this tune and asked me if I knew it.  Lol, mid 90s.  Cranberries. Linger, of course I did.   The song he was singing was Zombie which is an Irish protest song in memory of two young children ages 3 and 12 killed during the a bombing in 93 in Cheshire England.  If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

 Amazon -The Cranberries

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Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Song of the Day for Wednesday

 Butthole Surfers!!  Yes you heard it hear.  Lol.  Maybe not as popular as Pepper or Hurdy Gurdy Man but I loved Moving To Florida when I was as Mike says College.  So now I own property in FLA and now understand.  Trevor Malcolm hit those drums on the bus.   If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

 Amazon -The Butthole Surfers

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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Song of the Day for Tuesday

 Major Tom, Space Oddity, David Bowie, Peter Schilling I posted about them before but I forgot The Flaming Lips version and it is really good.  Can't believe I missed it.  My buddy Glen the other night was like can you find a song that is not on Spotify and I was amazed I didn't at first but I did get quiet a few later.  So I was thinking over what would not be there and I said Flaming Lips with Space Oddity.  So I am in Canada so I don't know if it was there but it doesn't matter because it is TSOTD.  If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

 Amazon - Flaming Lips

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Monday, December 6, 2021

Song of the Day for Monday

 Our Lady Peace from T.Dot played at a local high school when I started teaching in the early 90s and it was a good show.  Starseed is the song from their 94 debut album.  If you are making any purchases please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

 Amazon - Our Lady Peace

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