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Sunday, February 27, 2022

Song of the Day for Sunday

From SNL last night.   Ukrainian Choir.
And here is most of Weekend Update which you guessed it is mostly about Ukraine

Wordle 253 3/6




nerdlegame 39 4/6





Got a goal on my Tim's Picks yesterday.  If you picked a Toronto player you probably did too.  Here are my picks for today.

Sorry for not "putin" a video about a person committing war crimes on a Sunday but F the little man.   I liked yesterdays video of the Gourmet Challenge so here is another one.  If you are not a foody too bad you can watch videos of putin, t-rump and the little man in North V.  Maybe they had a threesome with the Ruskie W's peeing on them.

Before we get to the foody video I have to give you another video about another F'ing crazy member of congress in the US and A.  MTG.  She is bat $hit crazy.  So I found a beautiful video in t-rumps words.

Any who here is the foody video from the same poster as yesterday.  Love Kit Kats.

If yesterday was Billy Squire then I will come back with another late 70s early 80s band.  Do you remember the school shooting in 79 in San Diego.  Of course you don't because you are too young or because they happen all the F%cking time in the US and A because they have the right to bare arms in their constitution.  F#ck those were musket loaders back then not assault rifles.  $crew Charleton Heston and the NRA/KKK (great song by the way).    F#cking stupid jacka$$es.  Anyways this song by this Irish band is about the girls explanation why she shot the grade school up.  Not the Prodigy's Smack My Bitch Up.   Bob Geldof or is that Sir Bob wrote the song and Steve Jobs wanted them to play at his little company called Apple as the song had the lyrics about "the silicon chip in side her head had slipped to overload".  Now do you remember the song or the band?  If you are 50 plus you do now.  Boomtown Rats with their song I Don't Like Mondays. Yeah I know I should of used the song tomorrow. By the way F&ck putin.  Such a little man.  "I am not 5 foot 6 I am 5 foot 7."   F#ck you.

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If you don't know the story then watch this please.

Or watch Sir Bob explain it.

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