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Sunday, April 17, 2022

Song of the Day for Easter Sunday

Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava

He is a piece of shit.  Go to Cancun you self centered  windbag.

Wordle 302 3/6




nerdlegame 88 5/6






One goal last night in Timmies.  Here are my picks for today.

So the song of the day is from my favourite band.  The song is not an Easter song as my Easter is next week as I am Ukrainian Orthodox and our Easter this year is next week.  Anyways as a hint there is another holiday this week. The band's singer hung himself before this UK band's first tour of the US and A.  The album came out in 1980.  Loved the 80s.  They will be back in just under 60 years.    As Jello Biafra says the album was overproduced by Martin Hannett.  After Ian hung himself the band changed from a post punk goth band to a very college indy band with the inclusion of a female in Gillian Gilbert.  Bernard Sumner  took over vocals from Ian Curtis (RIP).  I did get to see New Order but wished I had seen Joy Division.  The song is Passover.  Oh Yeah fuck putin and fuck ted cruz.

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