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Monday, May 16, 2022

Song of the Day for Monday

Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava

Can you say corndog?  Ok now try asshole.  Bleach baby.

Gosar is another fuckin' asshole.  I am sure he was corndogged by    t-rump.


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Wordle 331 5/6






nerdlegame 117 3/6




From The Math Contest Contest for the week 

I was in London today for my son's check up with the knee surgeon so was not there at the drop.  In fact I just did it now at almost 7 pm.  Of course I got it.  Here is my solution to last weeks weekly contest.

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Ok the song of the day is from 89 and is Industrial.  It is not Nitzer Ebb.  They are Belgian.  They call their style of music EBM or Electronic Body Music.  I danced to this at Graceland in Vancouver and then ate a great pizza at Dids on Davie after.  Vancouver's pizza sucked but Dids was great.  A little punk hole in the ground that made a great pesto pizza by the slice.  Yum.   The B side of this single was Welcome To Paradise but not the one by Greenday, lol.  The band is Front 242 and the song is Headhunter. 

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