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Saturday, May 14, 2022

Song of the Day for Saturday

 Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava

Here is another ass hat.  How do these people get paid to be such dick fucks.  Some of you people get what you deserve.

When The First Lady goes to the Ukraine, fucker carlson made a bid deal but now that dick face turtle boy who should of been playing the banjo in Deliverance goes I bet you won't hear a peep from fucker carlson.

 Wordle 329 3/6





nerdlegame 115 3/6




Nothing on Tim's yesterday.  Here is today's.
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Today's song of the day is a cover from 87 from one of my favourite female artists.  It is on her Through The Looking Glass album.  She added a horns to her cover.  I wore one of her concert shirts on my job at Chrysler when I was welding and the sparks burned so many holes through it I had to get rid of the shirt.  The original comes from yesterday's original artist too so you will have to read my post yesterday to get that artist to help you figure out who the hell I am talking about. In fact in my album collection (yes I have vinyl) today's artist is just before yesterday's artist.  Purely coincidental.  Another story if I may.  I had 2 tixs to see said artist for the above mentioned tour at The Fox in D town in August 87.  I bought them way early and forgot the date.  I was in D town at a bar and on the way home drove right by The Fox and looked at the marquee and said I have tixs for that up coming show.  Well it was not upcoming, it was that night.  I did not know until I got home.  Fudge.  Big hint coming way below.  Oh yah, fuck putin.

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Okay that is a fucking big enough hint.  It is Siouxsie Sioux and the song is The Passenger.

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