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Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Song of the Day for Wednesday

    Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava

Like I said yesterday the gop and trumpanzees are all pissed that 90 days out from an election a lawful executed warranted from a trump appointed judge happened.    Comey took out Hilary with less than 90 days you maga-maggots.  The FBI director that signed off on the  the Mar-a-lego visit was also appointed by trump.

Wordle 417 4/6





Daily Octordle #198





Score: 67

nerdlegame 203 4/6





binerdle 90 5&3/7










Here is today's The Math Contest question.

I got this one and fast and still did not gain any ground for the month as a couple of other dudes I am chasing were also top 5.

Here is my solution to yesterday's The Math Contest question of the day.

 My iphone sent me a picture from July 2018 of the princess pole vaulting.

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Today's song of the day comes from 1980 from a Canadian band from Hamilton.  The album is Frantic City. It was one of the two singles to come off this album.  I saw the band at Face The 80's at the Coronation back then.  The lead singer Frankie Venom died in 2008 of throat cancer, RIP.  Yesterday I heard that the guitarist Gord Lewis died, RIP.  The band was Teenage Head and the song is Let's Shake.  Here is a picture of me in 84 with my Teenage Head shirt.  I think we need to shake putin.

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Buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking above. Thank you. :)

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