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Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Song of the Day for Wednesday

  Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava

Wordle 536 3/6


Here is today's The Math Contest question of the day.
Well since yesterday I was an idiot that can't read I had some ground to make up.  Didn't do too bad today.  

Here is my solution to yesterday's The Math Contest question of the day.

No goals in Tim's yesterday.  Here are today's picks.

Today's pic of the day comes from the trip down to Flo Rida and is the companion pic to yesterday.  It is also part of the theme for The Song Of The Day below.

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Today's song of the day I have used before but fits the theme of the week  which is in the above pic so I am going to recycle a song and my previous write-up so here goes.  It also comes out in the same year as yesterday's song of the day.  The song of the day came out on this bands 7th lp Violator in 90.  This band used a ton of synth but this was their first song featuring guitars since Behind The Wheel and their cover of Route 66 (I love to dance to that one out at UBC on Wednesday nights).   Do you know the band?  Marilyn Manson covered this song too.  Okay it is DM or Depeche Mode or smode as I call 'em with Personal Jesus.  I will give you both DM's and MM's version below.  If you like both then the third is a dj remix of both.  Almost forgot, fuck put-in, fuck russia, fuck m.t.g, fuck hershel  and fuck t-rump.

Please buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking below. Thank you. :)

Please buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking below. Thank you. :)

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