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Monday, January 30, 2023

Song of the Day for Monday

  Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava


Wordle 590 5/6






Here is this week's The Math Contest question of the week.

I was fast but again only top 10 fast not top 5 fast.

Here is my solution to last week's The Math Contest question of the week.

Two goals in Tim's last night.  Here are today's picks.

Today's pic is from Dec 28 2013

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Today's song of the day comes from 73 from a NY band.  It was released on 7 inch.  It is about a Jet Boy that stole a baby.  What the f a jet boy is,  I don't know.  The song was penned by David Johansen and Johnny Thunders.  Okay so that gives away the band as The New York Dolls and the song is obviously Jet Boy.  Not to be confused with  The Damned's Jet Boy Jet Girl.  Definitely not to be confused with put-in gets run over by a Jet oh boy that's nice, he says in his best Borat voice.

Please buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking below. Thank you. :)

Please buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking below. Thank you. :)

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