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Monday, May 30, 2022

Song of the Day for Monday

 Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava  

Y'all just stupid.  Second Amendment was for musket loaders not AR 15s.   Just stupid red necks.  You care more about a fetus (merican spellin) than a 10 your old.  You should be ashamed.  I know you people who love majorie taylor mean are fucked as much as those that love teddy boy cancun but really.

Wordle 345 4/6





nerdlegame 131 4/6





From The Math Contest problem of the week.
You know I got it but in my hurry to be in the top five I went with how many total triangles not distinct ie noncongruent.  I had to serve a penalty hour.  So I got it immediately after serving my penance.  Lol.

Here is my solution to last weeks math contest.

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Today is a song from 2011 that is from a US and A band that was formed in the early 80s in Oklahoma.  I consider them a psychedelics cover band.  The song is a cover from over 44 years ago.  The band had commercial success with She Don't Use Jelly.  Ok the cover is from a Beatles song.  Okay those are big clues.  The band is The Flaming Lips and the song is I Am The Walrus.

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Buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking above. Thank you. :)


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