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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Song of the Day for Tuesday

  Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava  

Political pranksters trolled NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre at the NRA Convention. 'The Good Liars' sarcastically thanked LaPierre for his "thoughts and prayers" following mass shootings.  This is hilarious if it was not so serious.  NRA are a bunch of 

Wordle 346 5/6






Here is today's Math Contest
This is so easy I did it in my head super fast to try and make the top 5.  Dang.  Forgot to add 1.  Had to serve a 15 minute penalty.  Dang.

Here is my solution to  Friday's Math Contest.

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Today's song comes from 1982 from an English/American band.  It is the second single off their eponymous debut album.  The four members of the band came from 70s punk bands: The Damned, The Dead Boys, Sham 69 and The Barracudas.  In 85 said band did a cover of Madonna's Like A Virgin.    The song was covered by none other than David Hasselhoff. Yes that David Hasselhoff.  Ok the band is The Lords Of The New Church and the song is Open Your Eyes.  RIP Stiv.  Just updated as I forgot fuck putin.

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Buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking above. Thank you. :)


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