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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Song of the Day for Tuesday

 Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava

What an asshat.  You should of stayed in Cancun.  I bet the Mexican's didn't want you.

Wordle 325 6/6







nerdlegame 112 3/6




From The Math Contest 

I was there for the drop.  I stuttered a bit at first then boom.  Top 5.  Barely.

Here is my solution for last Friday's contest.

Just farking realized that Tims still has picks in the playoffs.  Dang.  Missed the whole first week.  Oh well here are tonight's picks.

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The idea for today's song of the day came from yesterday's Wordle.  I did it in the morning and told my friend Glen to try it as he will not do it as he has a thing against Wordle since the New York Times bought it.  Anyways the word was "FETUS" which seemed oh so not random with the shit storm happening in the US and A with SCOTUS.  So he did try it and the word he got was "SHINE" so he tells me that it had been changed.  LOL.  He then tells me that original word is spelled wrong and is FOETUS.   I laughed as most UK spelling versions Canada uses except this one.  Anyways I immediately pulled out two records I own and sent him a text of the albums and said that I know the song of the day for tomorrow.  So that is your first hint.  Yes I am giving you a big hint what band is being featured for the song of the day.  The band is really just a solo project from Aussie JG Thirtwell.  The song is the last song on side A on the fourth studio album called Nail from 85.  Ok here is a big hint, it is the pic I sent Glen.


You guessed it.  It is Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel which was previously You've Got Foetus On Your Breathe and after Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel became just Foetus.  The song I have picked for your listening pleasure is Decent Into The Inferno

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Buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking above. Thank you. :)  

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