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Saturday, April 30, 2022

Song of the Day for Saturday

  Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava

Wordle 315 4/6





nerdlegame 101 4/6






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Welcome to the weekend.  I forgot to say fuck putin yesterday so a double fuck you to the piece of dawg excrement commie bastard.  Today's song came out in 83 but most people know this band as a late 80s early 90s Industrial band.  They are from Chi Town in the US and A and were founded by Al Jourgensen.  You might be familiar with their later albums such as The Land of Rape and Honey as well as A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste.  Loved dancing at Gracelands in Vancouver in the late 80s to their industrial music.  Anyways the song I am picking was more new wave and was accompanied by Shay Jones.  The song is I Wanted To Tell Her and the band is Ministry.


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