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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Song of the Day for Tuesday

  Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava  

Political pranksters trolled NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre at the NRA Convention. 'The Good Liars' sarcastically thanked LaPierre for his "thoughts and prayers" following mass shootings.  This is hilarious if it was not so serious.  NRA are a bunch of 

Wordle 346 5/6






Here is today's Math Contest
This is so easy I did it in my head super fast to try and make the top 5.  Dang.  Forgot to add 1.  Had to serve a 15 minute penalty.  Dang.

Here is my solution to  Friday's Math Contest.

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Today's song comes from 1982 from an English/American band.  It is the second single off their eponymous debut album.  The four members of the band came from 70s punk bands: The Damned, The Dead Boys, Sham 69 and The Barracudas.  In 85 said band did a cover of Madonna's Like A Virgin.    The song was covered by none other than David Hasselhoff. Yes that David Hasselhoff.  Ok the band is The Lords Of The New Church and the song is Open Your Eyes.  RIP Stiv.  Just updated as I forgot fuck putin.

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Monday, May 30, 2022

Song of the Day for Monday

 Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava  

Y'all just stupid.  Second Amendment was for musket loaders not AR 15s.   Just stupid red necks.  You care more about a fetus (merican spellin) than a 10 your old.  You should be ashamed.  I know you people who love majorie taylor mean are fucked as much as those that love teddy boy cancun but really.

Wordle 345 4/6





nerdlegame 131 4/6





From The Math Contest problem of the week.
You know I got it but in my hurry to be in the top five I went with how many total triangles not distinct ie noncongruent.  I had to serve a penalty hour.  So I got it immediately after serving my penance.  Lol.

Here is my solution to last weeks math contest.

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Today is a song from 2011 that is from a US and A band that was formed in the early 80s in Oklahoma.  I consider them a psychedelics cover band.  The song is a cover from over 44 years ago.  The band had commercial success with She Don't Use Jelly.  Ok the cover is from a Beatles song.  Okay those are big clues.  The band is The Flaming Lips and the song is I Am The Walrus.

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Saturday, May 28, 2022

Song of the Day for Sunday

 Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava 

This is not the song of the day but it works anyways.

Nice dance you fat pig.  Sorry no disrespect meant to the pig.  So after the bozo nra and fuck t-rump show what really matters is fuck putin.  


Not sorry for hating on cruz but what a clown.  How could you vote for this shit.  Has he ever been in a school other than in Cancun, you p.o.s.


Wordle 344 3/6




nerdlegame 130 4/6





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Today's song is a nice song for Sunday.  You will feel happy after listening guaranteed.   No ted cruz sucks c@ck in Cancun or cant cum  or t-rump just ate another burger and drank another diet coke, which he just did.  It came out from a UK band in 89.  It was on the album Cloudcuckooland  as their only single.   The band is The Lightning  Seeds and the song is Pure.  Speaking of Pure, putin is pure evil pos will hang in the Hague.

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Buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking above. Thank you. :)  

Song of the Day for Saturday

Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava 

No problems taking care of kids that are not born with your vigilantism  but once they are born who fucking cares if they are 10 years old and get shot to death by semi-automatic weapons so they have to have closed casket funerals.  Go blow the NRA a bit more.  POS.  I might even lay off Ukraine today to post about this shit bag.

Wordle 343 3/6




nerdlegame 129 4/6





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So today's song has to do with Thursday's passing of a 60 year old legend. He was a keyboardist of a 80s and 90s synth pop and alternate rock band.  A Rock and Roll Hall of Fame band from 2020.  The band was from the UK.  His nickname was Fletch.  This is not a big clue to anyone but my wife but they sang our wedding song.  The song of the day is a cover originally recorded by Nat King Cole in 46, covered by Chuck Berry in 61, the Stones in 64 and today's band in 87.  Today's band called the song Behind The Wheel.  I loved dancing at UBC's student pub on Wednesda'y night alternate music night by myself to this song.  That's enough.  The band is Depeche Mode and the song is Route 66.  RIP Andy Fletcher. I can't do without saying it, fuck putin.  fuck russia.  fuck the war crimes.

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Friday, May 27, 2022

Song of the Day for Friday

 Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava

Should of used a picture of teddy boy performing felatio on the NRA since he receives more from them then any other person in office.  

Wordle 342 4/6





nerdlegame 128 5/6






From today's Math Contest.

Here is my solution to yesterday's contest. 

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Today's song is from a punk rock band from Hamilton Ontario Canada, eh.  They were around late 70s through the 80s.  Today's song is from their first album In Love With The System from 1980, which I have in wax and the song is the first song on it.  This song was happening when a wave of Vietnamese Boat People were coming to Canada.  The band was The Forgotten Rebels and the song is Bomb The Boats and Feed The Fish.  I have included the the album version and a live version from 2014.  There is a better one from 83 in London ON but it won't show on third party apps so I leave it for you to use youtube to find it.

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Buy Coach H a Gatorade through Paypal by clicking above. Thank you. :)  

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Song of the Day for Thursday

   Slava Ukraini

Heroiam Slava

I will give jar-head two days in a row pics.  What a fucking clown.  

Wordle 341 3/6




nerdlegame 127 2/6



From The Math Contest


I was there at the drop.  You got it.  A tad slow but not bad.

Here is yesterday's contest with my solution.

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Today's song of the day came from a UK post punk dance band that regrouped after the lead singer hung himself before leaving for the US and A.  It came out in 86 and actually was released early on the Pretty In Pink soundtrack.  The band is New Order and the song is Shellshock.

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