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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Song of the Day for Tuesday

 Mick Jones.  You remember him from The Clash.  He was their guitarist.  When he got fired from The Clash he did a short stint with General Public then started up Big Audio Dynamite or B.A.D.  I am selecting E=MC^2 (sorry can't do the superscript).   If you are making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

 Amazon - Big Audio Dynamite

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Monday, November 29, 2021

Song of the Day for Monday

 Not my favourite band but it is the ring town on my phone for my daughter.  Okay too much information but here it is.  Guns N' Roses with Sweet Child of Mine.  Love you Erika.  If you are making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

 Amazon - Guns N' Roses

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Sunday, November 28, 2021

Crucible by James Rollins


Here is another bonus post.  Just finished  Crucible by James Rollins which is a fast paced thriller.  I have read most of the Sigma Force Series by Rollins.  Some might think it is a bit of pulp but I like it.  As Kowolski says in the book, "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition" which is a quote from Monty Python.  Yes there is much historical reference to the Spanish Inquisition and witches but we end up with Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Physics in the book too.
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Song of the Day for Sunday

 Was going to go with You Gotta Fight For Your Right To Party by the Beastie Boys but instead am going with So Whatcha Want.  Sorry for posting so late but I am just getting back from the boys hockey game.  If you are  making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon.  

Amazon - Beastie Boys

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Saturday, November 27, 2021

Song of the Day for Saturday

 I was going to go with Every Day is Halloween by the Industrial band Ministry but went with the howling vocals of Al Jourgensen on  Stigmata instead.  Remember to play it loud.  Enjoy your weekend.   If you are  making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon.  

Amazon - Ministry

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Friday, November 26, 2021

Song of the Day for Friday

 Welcome to Black Friday.  Don't get crushed fighting over a $10 item at Best Buy.  Today's song is from Faith No More and is Epic.  If you are  making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon.  

Amazon - Faith No More

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Thursday, November 25, 2021

Song of the Day for Thursday

 To my US friends, Happy Thanksgiving Day.  This is perfect to go with your turkey.  lol.  With yesterday being Alien Sex Fiend and my alluding to Marilyn Manson, well that's what you are getting.  Marilyn Monroe crossed with Charlie Manson.  I read his book, The Long Road Out of Hell,  a couple of years ago and it explains a lot of things.  Strange dude.    If you are  making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon.  

Amazon - Marilyn Manson

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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Song of the Day for Wednesday

 If you like dark electronic British goth from the mid 80s then you know Alien Sex Fiend.  Kind of pre Marilyn Manson look.  Anyways here is I Walk The Line.  Yep it is a Johnny Cash cover.  Shyt everyone covers Johnny.  Social Distortion covers Johnny.  Lol.   You already knew that.  Great dance tune in the day.   If you are  making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon.  

Amazon - Alien Sex Fiend

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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Song of the Day for Tuesday

 Here is another 80s band.   The Alarm.  I saw them play at a little club in Detroit back in the mid 80s.    Sold Me Down The River, 68 Guns and my choice today is Rain In The Summer Time.    If you are  making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon.  

Amazon - The Alarm

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Monday, November 22, 2021

Song of the Day for Monday

 I remember lying out in the backyard with SPF -10 back in the day with my friend Glen H listening to CJAM and requesting The Violent Femmes song Blister In The Sun and Gone Daddy Gone.  The song I picked for S.O.T.D is going to be  Add It Up though.  Why can't I get just one?  Lol. Gordon Gano wrote all this stuff while still in high school.  If you are  making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon.  The JBL ear buds below are a great price again.  I might even buy a pair at $89 for myself.

Amazon - The Violent Femmes

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Sunday, November 21, 2021

Addition to My Library


This is a bonus blog today.  If  Malcolm Gladwell says "Prepare to be dazzled" then I will read it for sure as I love everything Gladwell has put out including the latest of his that I have read, Talking to Strangers.  Anyways this book is second hand but in great shape, remember I was/am The Frugal Librarian.  Enjoy the last bit of your weekend.   If you are  making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon.  The JBL ear buds below are a great price again.  I might even buy a pair at $89 for myself.

Amazon - Freakonomics

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Song of the Day for Sunday

 Okay if we are going to make fun of me yesterday with my 84 pic I found another one taken when I was at Jeff B's residence in Tdot.  Just before that I was at Mac U visiting his brother John and we went and saw Men Without Hats.  Man I wish I still had that concert shirt as it was sleeveless and timeless with their logo

I assume you will think I am going to pick Safety Dance for the S.O.T.D.  but I didn't.  If you are  making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon.  The JBL ear buds below are a great price again.  I might even buy a pair at $89 for myself.

Amazon - Men Without Hats

Canadian University Students - Get Your 6 Month Free Trial Prime Student Account Here 

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Saturday, November 20, 2021

Song of the Day for Saturday

 Hope your weekend is going well.  Today's song is from a band from the late 70s that had the lead singer that became big in the 80s.  Yes they were a poseur punk band but I still liked them.   Generation X was a band that a few good songs and launched Billy Idol's career with his Rebel Yell lp.   After my high school prom in 84 the next night a bunch of us went to that concert. Speaking of prom.  Here is my prom picture (try not to laugh too much) from my Dad's wallet. May he rest in peace.  As for the S.O.T.D.  I picked Kiss Me Deadly and the video is from a movie.  If you are  making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon.  The JBL ear buds below are a great price again.  I might even buy a pair at $89 for myself.

Amazon - Generation X

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Friday, November 19, 2021

Addition To My Library


This is a bonus post.  It's funny I don't even play golf but I do like reading anything Feinstein writes. He is such a great author I had to pick it up second hand as almost all my books are.  Yes I am frugal.  Maybe my former work blog should have been called The Frugal Librarian.  Yes I still have my work blog still going and if you are bored  you can see by clicking here.  If you are  making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon.  The JBL ear buds below are a great price again.  I might even buy a pair at $89 for myself.

Amazon - Are You Kidding Me

Canadian University Students - Get Your 6 Month Free Trial Prime Student Account Here 

Song of the Day for Friday

 No I don't have the butt camera video.  That was yesterday.  Today is Friday so welcome to the weekend. I saw that the President decided to have a colonoscopy today after my post yesterday. Hey, Alanis Morissette has an HBO documentary out called, you guessed it, Jagged.  You remember her from the 90s.  The Canadian alt-rocker that pushed her way into the boys club and made some dude feel like a prick that he was.  Well I have that on DVD but I am going to play a cover that I actually liked better by 1000 Mona Lisas and their cover of You Oughta Know which I also have on CD.  I also posted the trailer for Jagged below.  If you are  making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon.  The JBL ear buds below are a great price again.  I might even buy a pair at $89 for myself.

Amazon - The 1000 Mona Lisas

Canadian University Students - Get Your 6 Month Free Trial Prime Student Account Here 

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Thursday, November 18, 2021

Song of the Day for Thursday

I have tried not to repeat a band but I am going to for  The Ramones.  I had them a couple of weeks ago with Beat On The Brat.  Today I could only think of one song that is fitting it is I Wanna Get Sedated.  If you can think of some just put a comment in.  I haven't told you what is going on but with the pic below maybe you can figure it out.   Shyt I am getting old.  Here is a picture to help explain.

Maybe now you know why.  If not this stuff is to clean me out.  Roto-rootor.  Time for the old man colonoscopy.  Wish me luck.  I hate going under sedation.  Last time I had this procedure I was able to watch the plumbing as the sedation didn't really work.   If you are  making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon.  The JBL ear buds below are a great price again.  I might even buy a pair at $89 for myself.

Amazon - The Ramones

Canadian University Students - Get Your 6 Month Free Trial Prime Student Account Here 

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Update - no polyps - Yeah!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Song of the Day for Wednesday

 Ok so we are going with the turn of the 80s new wave genre.  So that is the dawn of MTV.  My favourite....NOT.  It is 40 years ago.   Anyways the trivia question is what was the first song played on the said channel. It is one hit wonder The Buggles with Video Killed The Radio Star.  So there was actually two versions of this song with Bruce Woolley having his own with Thomas Dolby doing some keyboards with him.  This song did foreworn what was going to happen for sure.  If you are  making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon.  The JBL ear buds below are a great price again.  I might even buy a pair at $89 for myself.

Amazon - The Buggles

Canadian University Students - Get Your 6 Month Free Trial Prime Student Account Here 

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Game of Shadows


The book opens discussing McGwire and Sossa’s chase for the home run record with Bonds being jealous for being overlooked for his all around talent.


We are then introduced to  Victor Conte the owner of Balco, a nutrition supplement company.  We hear about his relationship to Marion Jones, the worlds top female sprinter.  He discusses her use of human growth hormone and EPO.  We then see some of his financial troubles and marital problems.


The authors then bring in Barry Bonds and basically says that he has been a talented prima dona his whole life, even in high school.  When he was with Pirates no team mate really cared for him.  


They mention Charlie Francis a few times.  You know coach of Ben Johnson disgraced  Canadian 100m Olympic champ in Seoul until he tested positive for being a roid boy.  Everyone in that final was juicing even American clean boy Carl.  Clean my ass.   I digress.  Barry started shooting Winstrol after the 98 season. The same shit Ben Johnson was on.  


The book then goes into the world of track and field with Victor Conte’s injection clients.  Some pretty big names: Marion Jones, Gail Devers, Tim Montgomery, Chryste Gaines, Alvin & Calvin Harrison, Regina Jacobs, Brit Dwain Chambers and Ukrainian Zhanna Block.


In 2003 both Bonds and NY Jason Giambi were now taking growth hormone, The Cream, The Clear, Clomid and a bunch of pills.  Similarly Atlanta Braves slugger Gary Sheffield hung with Bonds and was taking injectable testosterone and human growth hormone and later The Cream and The Clear.  


The book then describes how a  federal investigator went threw Balcos garbage and found all kinds of incriminating stuff.  The rest of the book goes through the grand jury process etc and plea deals and testimony that was leaked to the press but I got the feeling Bonds got off easy.  One football NFL football player called into the grand jury was former U of Michigan running back and 110m hurdler,Tyrone Wheatley.    What a dick.  See below.  

 If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

Amazon - Game of Shadows

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Song of the Day for Tuesday

 New York - London - Paris - Munich all you old geezers remember this from 79.  It was Robin Scott's "band" M playing Pop Muzik.  I remember this from grade 9 listening with a Penny H.  Lol.  This ran to the top of the charts everywhere.  Scott's wife Brigit Novik provide backing vocals on this.  If you are Canadian and making any purchase please click on my links below first as I will get a small commission on anything you buy even if it is something else. Thanks. Tell your friends. Hell tell your enemies. Buy your Christmas gifts soon. 

Amazon - M

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